The Power Rangers Are Back

The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (MMPR)are getting a return with their own series on Netflix. Titled Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once and Always, the trailer was just released and you can watch it here.

Series debuts April 19th

The Rangers so many of us grew up with, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are the group with which the entire ethos was created behind. This year celebrates their 30th anniversary, and with that, we are gifted the return of some of our favorite heroes. This of course, all takes place after the passing of famed and legendary White/Green & Yellow Rangers, rest in peace, so they will not be part of the cast. That being said, the original Blue & Black Rangers, accompanied by the 2nd Red & Pink Rangers; along with some other original cast members.

All in all, I may be a little too old to be excited for this but who cares? Sometimes childhood nostalgia is fun! I remember the amount of joy I’d get from the occasional airing of, “Red Forever” the 10th year anniversary, and Red Ranger special event. More than that, I had the MMPR Movie on VHS, and maxed the tape out on watches (the tape came out of the cassette, something these kids today know nothing about). So, I might just have to tune in to Netflix for this special 30th year anniversary series. Streaming April 19th, let me know if you’ll be tuning in too @theB985.

This used to my favorite thing ever