‘The Mandalorian’ Season 3 Is Here

The space western that has brought in so many new Star Wars fans over the last couple years is back! The Mandalorian has returned to Disney+ with a brand new adventure. Season 3 of the series begins streaming March 1st, and will continue to release new episodes every Wednesday through it’s 8 episode schedule.

The title character & bounty hunter, Din Djarin, played by Pedro Pascal, is back to uncover the truth of his warrior race’s past by traveling to their cultural home: the planet Mandalore. Along with him, the beloved Grogu (or baby Yoda as some people call him), as well as other swash bucklers to take on the adventure.

The fun of the series comes from it’s western-like action, and light hearted nature, within the galaxy far far away. That being said, you don’t have to be a die hard Star Wars fan to enjoy the series, in fact it stands on its own feet with regards to story, not much relying on your previous knowledge of the franchise. All of that in mind, if you are interested in the Star Wars timeline, The Mandalorian takes place after Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi, and reintroduces people like young Luke Skywalker, and Boba Fett. While also bringing in characters from other eras like Ahsoka Tano, the once Jedi apprentice to Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, in her first live action rendition (Rosario Dawson) after debuting in Star Wars The Clone Wars; an animated show.

Ahsoka Tano come to life by Rosario Dawson

Created by Jon Favreu, this series is so much fun and I implore you to try it if you haven’t given it a chance yet. Star Wars fan or not, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with what you find. Tell us what you think too! @theB985 as always 🙂